

We have a huge selection of rugs from Traditional, Persian, Tribal, Antique and Oriental to Modern from Iran, Afghanistan, India, Turkey, etc. classic and trendy styles in many colors and sizes to fit your taste. Step into our showroom to see over 3000+ rugs and pick the one you would like to rent. If we don't have a specific size, color or style we can get it for you.

There are many occasions when it is preferable to rent a Persian rug or Oriental carpet, rather than going to the expense of purchasing the rug or carpet which will only be used for a limited time. Persian rugs are an essential decorative item that may be used for Film and photo shoots as well as Theatre sets and special occasions, they can also be an important tool when used in visual merchandising. Oriental rugs and carpets which are used in period films have to be specially chosen to reflect the correct date being portrayed. We are happy to work with many professionals who are in the real estate trade, photographers, weddings, film/movies production, set designers, broadcast television, publications, etc. and make available for short or long-term rental many of the extraordinary rug pieces in our high-end showroom. Whether it is a one week, one month or two year time frame, we offer the lease term options you need.

We have worked in the past 30 years with famous movies, television shows, photographers, etc. Our rental service is resourceful, dependable and reliable we take every event seriously to get you the results you need.

Temporary rug rental is ideal for:

Regardless of the occasion, we can make your individual handwoven rugs/runner needs possible. Feel free to contact us to set up an appointment to visit our showroom with over 3,000+ rugs. We are able to get any size and style that you require and will even import it if necessary. We make it easy and not complicated. We offer delivery and pickup at no charge. Cleaning service also provided. If needed we we will help you with installation and setting up of the rugs too.


Contact us today and save your time!

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